Get Live Streams

Get the list of live streams

Get the list of live streams. You can filter or sort based on optional query string.


Query Parameters

    "pager": {
        "page": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "totalResults": 7,
        "sort": "name:-1"
    "streams": [
            "id": "6dWVR5343889MV3lQ",
            "name": "My Stream",
            "description": "",
            "region": "euc",
            "auth": false,
            "encrypt": false,
            "record": false,
            "storageProjectId": '',
            "platforms": [
                    "service": 4,
                    "address": "rtmp://",
                    "streamKey": "1211212"
            "id": "6dWVR5343889MV3lQ2",
            "name": "My Stream 2",
            "description": "",
            "region": "euc",
            "auth": false,
            "encrypt": false,
            "record": false,
            "storageProjectId": '',
            "platforms": [
                    "service": 4,
                    "address": "rtmp://",
                    "streamKey": "1211212"

Sorting of results

The sorting order of the live streams would be a query parameter sort with a value. the format of the value would be field:1 for ascending order and field:-1 for descending order.

# Here are examples to sort by "Created" date.

#Sort by date created descending:

#Sort by date created ascending:

Last updated