Get Video for Mobile App/Custom Player
Get HLS & MP4 URLs for mobile app or custom player
Please note that the following fields would have values in the API response only if direct HLS links or direct MP4 links are enabled on your plan.
The HLS URLs will be available in the API response if your videos were transcoded into HLS format (according to your project settings).
Similarly, the MP4 URLs will be available in the API response if your videos were transcoded into MP4 format (according to your project settings).
You can use the following Get Single Video endpoint to get the details of the video.
Get VideoYou will need to look for the following fields in the JSON response.
The field hlsUrl
can be used to play the videos in any of the native video players that support HLS adaptive streaming.
The field hlsUrlWeb
can be used to play the videos in any HTML5-based video players that support HLS adaptive streaming.
The field mp4Url
can be used to play the videos in any of the native or HTML5-based video players. (Please note that MP4 is not an adaptive streaming format so the video player won't be able to switch resolutions on the fly based on the viewer's internet speed.)
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