Update a Live Stream

update a live stream

PUT https://api.dyntube.com/v1/live-streams/{id}

The content type of the HTTP request should be application/json. Please have a look at the sample JSON body below.

    "pager": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 12,
        "hits": 12,
        "total": 1300,
        "pages": 109
    "views": [
            "id": "NZDSFhZ2",
            "videoKey": "NN8GgcLjTsbUg",
            "accountKey": "8t9ym1JSJuCZg",
            "projectKey": "5lCohVbzSymGw",
            "channelKey": "tEOqkbUhB6NOw",
            "channelViewId": "NggYmvRvw",
            "planType": 1,
            "viewerId": "kQdFThzl6e0",
            "viewId": "8LsRTyu2S",
            "date": "2020-08-01T12:42:14.08+00:00",
            "region": "use-s",
            "started": true,
            "ended": false,
            "muted": false,
            "duration": 150,
            "watchTime": 0,
            "browser": {
                "family": "Firefox",
                "major": 82,
                "minor": 0
            "device": {
                "family": "Other",
                "brand": "",
                "model": "",
                "type": "Desktop"
            "os": {
                "family": "Windows",
                "major": 10,
                "processor": "x64"
            "geo": {
                "ip": "",
                "city": "Kuala Lumpur",
                "country": "MY",
                "region": "Kuala Lumpur",
                "continent": "AS"
            "embed": {
                "url": "https://www.dyntube.com/",
                "domain": "www.dyntube.com",
                "type": 1
            "userKey": ""

Sample JSON Body

Here is a sample JSON request to update a project.

    "id": "6dWVR5343889MV3lQ",
    "name": "My Stream Update",
    "description": "",
    "auth": false,
    "encrypt": false,
    "record": false,
    "storageProjectId": '',
    "platforms": [
            "service": 4,
            "address": "rtmp://syd03.contribute.live-video.net/app",
            "streamKey": "1211212"

Last updated